香港国际茶展名茶比赛2014冠军 Champion of 2014 Hong Kong International Tea Fair Competition

新聚缘茗茶总部以新聚缘茗茶(香港) 办事处的名义于2014年8月14至16日,参加在香港湾仔会议展览中心进行的2014香港国际茶展。同时主办机构香港贸易发展局举办了普洱茶评饮比赛,新聚缘茗茶以2013年的’峰拥水绕生饼’赢得香港国际茶展普洱组冠军。

During 14th to 16th August 2014, Xin Ju Yuan (Friendship Gatherer Teasmith HK) participated in the 2014 Hong Kong International Tea Fair which is annually held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The organizer of this tea fair, Hong Kong Trade Development Council has chosen XJYMC as the champion in the 2014 Hong Kong International Tea Fair Competition under the Pu’er tea category.
